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The Blanche Report: The Prince, The Mayor & The Tuna Sandwich

With the eyes of the world virtually upon her, Kate gave birth to a baby boy. A few memorable moments:

…How the young couple managed to get into the hospital through a side entrance without any of the hundreds of journalists even sniffing the car.

…For four hours after the baby was born, the world did not know. No twitter, no facebook, no emails, no instagram, no nothing.

…When the couple left the hospital, William came out with the baby in a car seat, buckled him in the back of the SUV, his wife got in the back with the baby and William drove off. Of course there’s plenty of pomp and ceremony as only the English know how to do, but somehow this couple is managing to find their own ‘half normal’ path. Diana’s influence is certainly coming to the fore.

We wish them well – they should all be healthy and try to let this child live as normal a life as a future king can possibly live.

Weiner’s a weiner. The New York mayoral candidate had to face the music yet again when it was revealed today that he was busy on the phone – under the pseudo-name Carlos Danger – talking to someone he met online – for no less than six months ending last summer.  We will let your imagination figure out what busy means. The woman in question said that she really thought ‘Carlos’ loved her. Hallo? On what planet is she living?

He also sent, via email, ‘pictures’ of the southern parts of his anatomy. All of this happened after he resigned from Congress  – for doing the same thing with multiple women.  Guess what? Weiner’s not resigning from the race for mayor of New York.  And guess what else? His wife l.o.v.e.s. him and is standing by her man. Really and truly only in America. The man clearly has issues – if you get the drift.

In case you haven’t heard yet Blanche, ya can’t bring your tuna sandwich to La Ronde. You have to buy your lunch there. Ah, but what happens if you can’t eat the food there? Say you’re kosher, or on a diet or whatever. Nothing doing. Unless of course you smuggle that tuna sandwich into the park in your purse or under your shirt.

We did a bit of investigation of our own. Six Flags owns La Ronde and they have a policy site. Here’s one of the questions from that site:

May I bring my own food and beverages into Six Flags Great America? No outside food, beverages or coolers are allowed to be brought into Six Flags Great America. However, we allow each guest to bring in one bottle of water and exceptions are made for Guests with special dietary needs to include food allergies and baby food/formula. Guest should contact Park Security or Guest Relations when they arrive at the Park for approval to bring in special dietary foods. The special dietary food containers will be marked and dated to clearly show that they have been approved for entry into the park.

Sounds like the food police, eh?

Used to be, long ago, that when a kid wanted to go into professional sports,  hard, dogged work and determination was what was needed. And his talent had to be real. Today, professional sports looks like it’s rotten to the core. When you watch someone who plays really well, all one can think about is how much of those performance enhancing drugs did that dude take?

Baseball is the latest organized sport to be hit with multiple allegations of drug-enhancing superstars getting the boot. There’s superstar on the Milwaukee Brewers by the name of Ryan Braun. He got caught and is now out for the year without pay. The bigger name however is Alex Rodriguez, aka ARod of the New York Yankees. He’s their super-super star and it looks like he may get a lifetime ban.

Someone best be telling the young athletes coming up in the ranks that until professional sports cleans up its act, the playing field is not equal.

Ready for this one? Edward Snowden has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize. What next?

We’ll talk…

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