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THE Debate Recap, The Malaysian Missing Plane and Spring??

Computer glitch. That’s why Blanche was delayed. Feh.

THE Debate Recap: No knock out punch ergo Couillard is still ok.

Couillard held his own considering this is his first debate. He looked premier-like, didn’t get flustered and sounded intelligent.  Marois was loud and classless, exactly what she is. Francois David of Quebec Solidaire was eloquent and got her points across. Anyone who votes for her takes votes away from the PQ. Legault from the CAQ was looking for a crack to squeeze in between the Liberals and PQ. Not sure if he found it. Stay tuned, another debate next Thursday night.

We have a new dynamic duo – Montreal’s mayor Denis Coderre and Quebec City’s mayor Regis Labeaume. These two dudes are not going to cower in the face of the xenophobic PQ. They both want special status for their cities with greater autonomy to decide how money is budgeted for infrastructure projects, economic development and social issues like homelessness and socialized housing.

They also want to be able to make more changes without making a formal request to Quebec. Montreal is also requesting a seat on the board of directors of Hydro-Québec. In other words they want both cities to be city-states, run independently of the farmers in the rest of our province.

You can imagine how well this went over with princess pauline, who by the way seems to be unraveling before our eyes. We heard that her determinee posters will be disappearing to be replaced by some kind of triumvirate, Marois, Drainville and either Lisee or Peladeau. We vote for Peladeau. All he needs is a sticker on his forehead saying independence and he’s good to go.

And one more thing just to set the record straight: Critiq called the city-state before anyone else. Time to support them.

Did you know it’s officially spring? Looks like someone forgot to tell the weatherman. Nasty weather for the next few days.

Yet another lead aka ‘something floating in the water’ was found in the southern Indian ocean somewhere far off the coast of Perth Australia. We heard someone credible interviewed who said that it could be debris from that Malaysian plane, but it could also be a couple of big whales. Time will tell if the stuff is still there by the time searchers get there.

Ever watch a baseball game and wonder to yourself – that pitcher standing on the mound, slightly higher than the batter, is a perfect target for a baseball in the face. Well it happened yesterday in Arizona in a pre-season game. The pitcher fired the ball at 99 miles per hour. The batter whacked it with a direct hit on the pitcher’s face. Ich. Seems he has a few broken bones in his face – duh – but he’ll be ok. Of course there’s a video of it but we think that sometimes, just sometimes, not everything has to be replayed.

We thought this next headline was a joke, but it seems not: Gunfire erupts in luxury hotel in Kabul. Hello? Since when is there a luxury hotel anywhere in Afghanistan? It seems some taliban dudes ‘managed’ to get by security with guns and opened fire on people eating in a restaurant. We checked with the US travel advisory website and sure enough, there’s Afghanistan with a big warning sign beside its name. We wouldn’t suggest going to the Crimea or the Ukraine either any time soon.

Good Shabbos,

We’ll talk…

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