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What Does It Take to be Called a Racist? Using the word Nigger or Forgetting to Celebrate hitler&#82

There is a woman running for the PQ in the Quebec election by the name of Michelle Blanc. She is a racist. Her comments were not sarcastic. They were disgusting and Jean Francois Lisee, head of the Parti Quebec either agrees with her or doesn’t have the cahoonas to get rid of her.

Initially we heard about her ‘sarcastic’ remark when she swore because she forgot to celebrate hitler’s birthday. She pushed the envelope a bit further when she said she wished the Hasidic community in Outremont would vanish. She hit the nail on the head when she asked why they don’t relocate in ‘the middle of the woods, on the edge of civilization’.

Lest you think Jews are the only ones in her line of vision, think again. In a tweet she used the word nigger – yes Blanche, we are writing out the word so people will actually see how disgusting it is – to describe a Bell customer. She also called someone who criticized her a pedophile and apologized afterward.

While every place in the world has their racists, when such people run for public office and their leaders do not a) call them out and b) get rid of them, look very closely at said leader. Chances are they think alike.

It appears that the Liberal party is not really trying that hard to get the NAFTA deal signed. Dragging their feet would be the operative words. Why? Because our genius prime minister Justin Trudeau seems to think that he would do better in the polls if he looks like he’s standing up to Donald Trump. Air between his ears. Blanche, you hear the whoooooosh?

The fact that prices for cars and other basic necessities of life may jump in price by 10% does not bother him at all. What made us spit was when he congratulated Chyrsta Freeland for ‘standing up for Canadian workers and defending our interests.’ If ever there was a crock of you-know-what, this is it.

Standing up for Canadian workers? Seriously? By going to the negotiating table with the totally idiotic agenda of gender equality and other useless things to talk about. This is a very dangerous game they are playing and neither Freeland nor Trudeau has the brains to play it. Which, in the end, could  make us all losers together with them.

Michelle Obama is coming out with a book called Becoming. It’s really a perfect title for her as when her husband was running for president she said straight that this was the first time in her life that she felt American. Now she is ‘Becoming’ someone?

Becoming? Becoming what? The comments in the article about the book were vicious. Here are two: Thank God I live in a rural area. I am so rural that she will not even be within 1000 miles of me. Our personal favourite: Shouldn’t the title be “How to Vacation First Class on someones else’s money”?

Barack and Michelle deserve each other. They certainly know how to play the money game.  Maybe her next book will be Going.

Anybody who stays anywhere near a coastline in the Carolinas needs a lobotomy. Especially those who live on barrier islands. No you see it, now you don’t. Poof.

Florence is a long, slow storm that will bring up to 40 inches of rain. We cannot even fathom that amount  of water, nor where it goes. Let’s bet all those heroes who say they ‘hunkered down’ will be crying to be saved by Sunday with no food, water or electricity.

The dumbest comment we saw regarding such geniuses was the following: “Have never left for a hurricane but this one scares us, and I am pregnant so don’t want to be cut off from hospitals/etc. in case of emergency. Hopefully we are just being over-prepared. Spent all day yesterday prepping the outside of our home, tying things down, bringing things inside and boarding windows.” Seriously?

In case none of this moved people, perhaps this will: Venomous snakes will be dislocated and floating all over the place. The authorities suggest if you get bitten by one, go to the nearest hospital. Good luck.

Could it be that Apple has out-priced themselves? The new iPhone X will sell for $999 plus tax US. That would be about $1300 CAD. And that’s for a ‘naked’ phone. Keep reading to see what kind of items you need to buy with this phone.

There is no fast charger and no compatible fast charge cable (which isn’t even included when you buy the fast charger), Apple’s iPhone X cases start at $40 and go up to $100 and you’ll need one because official repair charges are pure extortion. For example, replacing cracked rear glass costs $550. That’s not a typo. The rear glass on a Galaxy S8? $20.

It gets even more expensive. This price does not include wireless charging pads (fast Apple ‘AirPower’ charging will arrive “soon”) or the cost of AirPods at $160.

Add a second fast (wired) charger for your office, you’re looking at a total outlay of $1,500 for the entry-level iPhone X – before tax. Go for the 256GB model, add an AirPower wireless charger and this figure creeps closer to $1,800. That would be US dollars. In Canadian money that would be close to $2400. Even with the free Genius Bar this phone is certainly not worth that kind of money.

As Yom Kippur is Tuesday night, Blanche will be sent on Monday night. We wish everyone an easy fast. Good Shabbos, We’ll talk…

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