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What’s the Point?

The Jews who were murdered in Paris were buried in Israel today. There’s nothing to say. It’s beyond heart-wrenching. Life means nothing to those who killed them. No matter how much suffering we endure, we thank G-d everyday that we were born Jews and not the other way around. We bring light and better the world. They bring darkness and do nothing to better the world. One day we will find out why such people exist. Until that time, we must continue to live our lives and not cower in the face of evil.

So why didn’t Obama go to Paris? It couldn’t be that he was watching the football game on Sunday. After all, he’s POTUS. Maybe he was making a diet lunch for michelle. She must be tired from spending so much time in Hawaii. Or how about this, the flights were full. No, that can’t be because he has his own private airline.

He didn’t go because he didn’t want to go. He didn’t go because he doesn’t like that the prophet was depicted in a cartoon and said as such in 2012 as he told the U.N. General Assembly in 2012, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam”—and slandering Muhammad is exactly why those cartoonists were slaughtered in their offices last week.

Despite the fact that Obama didn’t show up, the day of solidarity took place and he’s the one left making excuses for his now familiar abysmal behavior The cover of this week’s Charlie Hebdo,  already widely seen on the Internet — will be published on Wednesday in a print run of up to three million copies, compared with a typical print run of 60,000 copies. It shows the prophet displaying the slogan that has become the symbol of resistance to Islamic militants: “Je Suis Charlie,” or, “I am Charlie.” He is shown weeping under a headline that reads: “All is forgiven.”

One of Egypt’s highest Islamic authorities warned that the new cartoon would exacerbate tensions between the secular West and observant Muslims. Death threats circulated online against the surviving staff members of the newspaper, Charlie Hebdo.

Muslim organization urged French Muslims to “remain calm and avoid emotive or incongruous reactions incompatible with dignity,” while “respecting freedom of opinion.” Freedom of opinion is coming at a very high price these days. Including on this computer.

There are two sure-fire ways to get yourself immediate mainstream media attention: Allude to terrorism, and do it on Twitter. Hackers from wherever took control of the social media accounts of the U.S. military’s Central Command on Monday, posting threatening messages and propaganda videos, along with some military documents.

Contact information for senior military personnel was publicly listed. The accounts were taken offline. No one really knows if this was the real deal. Given that, we’d still be nervous if we knew someone had all our information.

Did you ever get covered with glitter at a wedding? It’s impossible to get out of your hair and clothing. Well, there’s a new little trick that one can send to, uh, say someone ‘special’ in your life. It’s called a glitter bomb and comes out of Australia. For $10 some loser down under fills an nondescript envelope with glitter. It gets addressed to your ‘friend’ and when he or she opens it, presto! the glitter bomb is released. We wonder if one has to live upside to think of this.

Last night we attended a council meeting in the City of Outremont. In a nutshell, they want to impose a limit to when people can put and take down their sukkah. Not more than three days before or three days after. We were able to ask a few questions. Below is a part of a letter we sent to the Montreal Gazette, which we were not surprised was not published. After we sent our email last week to the editor, Lucinda Chodan – and received no reply, we didn’t think she would like to see our name again. It’s a bit long, so we won’t be insulted if you don’t read it. Nor will we know! Hehehehehehe!!!!

…Most sukkahs are small affairs, holding a table and a few chairs. The point is they don’t bother anyone. They go up for the duration of the holiday and come down afterward.

For reasons that remains a mystery, the city of Outremont has put a time limit on when Jews can build their sukkah and how long they have to take them down.

The law on their books is fifteen days from the beginning of the holiday until the end. That may sound normal, but if you take away the seven days of the holiday and the Sabbath when we do not touch the sukkah, one is left with about 3 days at either end of the holiday.

There was an amendment to this law to give seven days on either side of the holiday. Then there was another amendment to give three days on either side.

Here’s the point: Why is there a time limit at all? What’s the point?

No other city in the world has such a restriction. The sukkah goes up, the holiday comes and goes and the sukkah comes down.

I recently attended a council meeting in Outremont and asked the following question: Why are you creating an issue when there is no issue? And if you are creating this issue then level the playing field. Give the same three-day window for Christmas trees and all the lights that people use to decorate their homes.

It would do the City of Outremont well to quietly drop the subject and remove all the by-laws having to do with Sukkot. The eyes of the world will be on that community in a negative way if they keep bringing this up. There is simply no point to the exercise and a complete waste of everyone’s energy, which would be much better spent on building bridges between people.

We’ll talk…

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