It’s not yet April fools and yet we have a joke. Problem is, it’s real.
Iran and Saudi Arabia were both on a panel yesterday at the annual session of the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women. Iran is one of the governing members of this body; Saudi Arabia joins at the end of the month.
If anyone takes the UN seriously, perhaps they should take another look this organization before giving them a penny more. They are a farce and totally corrupt from top to bottom.
Remember how Trump said that he would exempt Canada from tariffs on steel…if a NAFTA agreement was signed? Seems there’s more here than meets the eye and Trump is no fool.
Our chief NAFTA negogiator, the erstwhile Chrystia Freeland proudly thought she had pulled a coup when speaking with Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the House by nailing Canada’s exemption. She’s pretty naive if she thinks this is so. Trump is going to want something from Canada for that exemption and here’s what it is:
Wisconsin produces way more milk and cheese than its population of 5.8 million people can consume; the state’s dairy farmers would like to export more of their excess production to Canada. When Ryan met Trudeau on Capitol Hill in February 2017, he “reemphasized the importance of breaking down trade barriers and improving market access for America’s dairy farmers.”
Right now, there is a ban on importing kosher cheese from the US because… a Canadian company by the name of Nature’s Best is now operating out of Canada and the law states that if there’s a company in Canada that can produce, say cheddar cheese, nix the imports.
Problem is the cheese produced here is inferior and people are not buying it. Ergo the shelves are empty while the cheesemakers in Wisconsin dump their products. Archaic would be the appropriate term for this Canadian piece of legislation which needs to be updated asap.
Valerie Plante, Montreal’s new dictator aka mayor, has a cackle that sounds like a laugh in a horror movie. Seriously scary.
She decided that no cars would be allowed to cross over Mount Royal for about six months. Cars can go up and cars can go down but cars cannot go up and come down.
Thousands of people signed a petition to have some kind of public consultation. After all, it is the citizens who pay the mayor’s salary and this is a huge thing in the city. People used that route daily due to the insane amount of construction going on.
What did our own personal dictator do? Why she said that there will be a public consultation but the plan to ban cars is going ahead. Who cares what ‘they’ say? And when she gave this edict, she laughed that hyena cackle.
Can we talk? The minute this woman hit the mayor’s chair she went on a power trip second to none. All she’s missing is the eject button to fling people out of her office. She is turning out to be one of the most arrogant mayors Montreal has seen in a long time. If she keeps going in this vein, she will make Denis Coderre look tame.
We will get to Trump’s revolving door of people working for him but we cannot pass this one up. Hillary’s back. Well, not exactly back. She’s in India and is still whining about losing the election to Trump.
Interviewed by India Today editor-in-chief Aroon Purie, she said, “We do not do well with white men and we don’t do well with married, white women. And part of that is an identification with the Republican Party, and a sort of ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”
What exactly does that mean? Is she blaming white women for losing the election? Or is she blaming their husbands for pushing their wives to vote for Trump? If you have a moment, google Hillary in India and you will see her take not one, but two tumbles down some stairs. Good thing two hefty men were on either side to catch her.
Rex Tillerson, Trump’s former Secretary of State, found out he was going on unemployment via a tweet sent out to the rest of the world this morning.
Can we talk? He knew this was coming. He just didn’t know when. So far Trump has let go 20 high-profile people since taking office in January 2017. Blanche, ya think it’s hard to work for him? We would say he has short-man syndrome, but he’s very tall.
To be fair, some of those who left should not have been there in the first place. Case in point, Omarosa Manigault, who served as the director of communications for the White House’s Office of Public Liaison. She had one too many temper tantrums and when she left (she’s black) said that leaving the White House felt like she “got freed off of a plantation.” Get a grip.
Sean Spicer is another who comes to mind. He was a permanent buffoon. Wonder what happened to him and where he landed? We heard he’s on ‘speaking tours’, whatever that means.
There is no doubt that Trump needs to calm down a bit regarding who he hires and how he treats his employees. Yet, he’s the only president in decades to open the door to North Korea.
We’ll talk…