What is there to say about what happened in New Orleans? For the families who lost loved ones, their lives will be forever changed. Young and old senselessly and violently murdered because of some dude who thought that he knew better how people should live.
The guy in New Orleans was like all the others who perpetrate mass murders - someone with mental health issues. He was divorced a few times, had no money and we are guessing few friends. He was ripe to be 'radicalized' either online or in person by isis, who look for these kinds of people with candles.
There are a number of iconic places in the US that are soft targets - Times Square, the Washington Mall, Rodeo Drive and Bourbon Street in New Orleans to name a few. Those running the city of New Orleans dropped the ball to put it mildly, as it appears no one running the city figured this out.
The mayor and/or chief of police are trying to sell the public that even if there were cement bollards in place - which there were not - this guy would have done the same thing. That is not true.
If there were cement blocks all along the road including in front of the each sidewalk, he would never have been able to drive his truck into innocent people walking on the sidewalks.
And where were the cement blocks? Being 'fixed' for when New Orleans hosts the super bowl in February.
Here's a headline: No one has the luxury, especially people who have been given the mandate to govern their cities, to drop the ball. To say oops we made a mistake, which they have yet to admit, is not an option, as we now see.
There is no doubt this loser would have found a way to do what he did using other means. He was deranged and he was hell-bent on killing innocent people. But not having basic security measures in place in this day and age is unconscionable.

One of the things this person wrote is that he was going to kill his family but decided that would underscore his main goal - highlighting the difference between believers and non-believers - anyone who does not ascribe to islam.
Unlike other times when this has happened, we are now in the midst of daily open antisemitic protests on our streets, perpetrated by islamists.
We will reiterate that we are not a conspiracy theory believer. However, if you don't believe that Iran is not silently, either directly or indirectly, funding and organizing these protests, take the needle out of your arm.
Not one single mayor in Canada has stepped up to the plate, said ENOUGH followed up with concrete action against those fools. Never mind Justin who has vacated his leadership role completely.
It's time to start making America (and Canada) great again and take back our countries from those who want to destroy them.
Blanche, wouldn't you like to see a few planes sitting on tarmacs in Montreal and Toronto waiting for those idiot protestors to be rounded up, their citizenship revoked, then deposited on said planes and flown with no return ticket to different countries in the middle east starting with iran and saudi arabia.
Remember the football player Colin Kaepernick who took a knee a few years ago? He wouldn't stand for the national anthem before football games during the heyday of blm. Have you heard of him again? Did he play football again? No to both. The NFL would not tolerate that behavior, stopped him dead in his tracks and he's done.
If you live in Canada and are not happy with the way we live, then leave. Simple as that. Trying to make Canada into a country governed by islamists and sharia law is not happening.
Kaepernick was on the wrong side of history and will wind up, if he is not already, a nothing. Same with those protestors and all the mayors who don't have the brains or kahoonas to put and end to open antisemitism on our streets.
At least the NFL got it right.

We never heard of Daniel Loeb but he deserves a standing ovation. He's a mighty rich guy who owns an investment company (Third Point), is worth close to $4 billion dollars and was educated in Columbia university.
He used to give millions to Columbia but this year decided he is redirecting $1,000,000 towards Jewish education that would have otherwise gone to Columbia. And he did so publicly.
“My prediction is that over the next 10 to 20 years Harvard will be as relevant to the world of education as MSNBC is to the news.” Touche.
Take note all those who read Blanche with billions of dollars. We're pretty sure you already stopped giving money to places like McGill and Concordia. Toronto is another place that needs its universities brought to their knees.
Our suggestion is that the presidents of all those 'institutes of higher learning' start canvassing their arab students, alumni and their parents to make up the shortfall of their Jewish parents and alumni who will never give them another dime.

Justin Trudeau is a real piece of work. He's the leader of the liberal party in name only. Someone can only be the leader of something if there are followers and clearly, his followers are off the bandwagon.
Internationally, he looks like a buffoon, embarrassing all of us. Does he not realize leaders of other countries read the papers or follow social media? Who exactly does he think he is fooling? Yesterday he actually sent out a tweet asking people to give money to the liberal party as though it was business as usual.
He's very lucky his father was born before him and left him enough money that he can keep on living in lala land, ignoring reality.
Everyone is speculating when he will leave. Is that the way to run a country? Spending all your time hanging on to power with your fingernails?
In case anyone forgot, Donald Trump will be president in less than 3 weeks. Who is dealing with the threat of a 25% tariff on some of goods going into the US? Certainly not many in Justin's orb as they keep changing jobs like they were playing a chess game.
For a very long time we hoped Justin didn't leave. Now we don't care as there is no one on the horizon to become leader. Carney dumped him. Freeland is so tainted with our massive debt that she wouldn't win a skipping contest. And Melanie Joly, who we heard was going to run for leader is as dumb as a doornail and everybody knows it.
Justin waited so long to make a decision that it doesn't matter what he does anymore. He took the liberal party along with him on the Titanic, including our grinning Alfred E. Newman aka Anthony Housefather mp from Mount Royal.
They will all go down with the ship and deservedly so.
Good Shabbos
We'll talk...