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Trudeau=Fake Feminist. Housefather=Chairman of the Non-Justice Justice Committee. Your Tax Dollars

Much to the chagrin of Justin Trudeau, Anthony Housefather and the rest of the non-justice justice committee, the Jody Wilson Raybould-Gerry Butts-Jane Philpott-Michael Wernick-Celina Caesar Chavannes-SNC-Lavalin scandal will just not go away. It’s like a lingering bad smell.

We must thank Christie Blatchford for keeping this story alive in the National Post. She’s like a pit bull who won’t let go. Jane Philpott gave an interview to Chatelaine Magazine which is below, Neil Bruce, CEO of SNC-Lavalin said he never lobbied Trudeau for a deferred prosecution agreement and the resignation of Celina Caesar Chavannes feminist Trudeau’s black, female poster girl are showing up the Liberals for who they really are – men who say one thing and do something entirely different.

Andrew Scheer has to do his part in parliament. He must keep the pressure on the government despite the fact that he’s the opposition party and his hands are pretty well tied behind his back.

Trudeau, Housefather et al cannot think they will walk away from this unscathed. Just as Nixon was blown out of the water with Watergate and Clinton impeached because of his ‘indiscretions’, so too will Trudeau and his henchmen face the music in this overt cover-up.

Despite saying how much he loves women, his ability to toss them under the bus when it suits him proves beyond a doubt that Trudeau is a ‘fake feminist’. If you don’t believe us, the record of women tossed overboard speaks for itself.

Jane Philpott, former Treasury Board President, finally broke her silence in a Maclean Magazine interview. In her interview she is publicly calling on the government to allow for more testimony on the events, saying there is “much more to the story that should be told.”

She went on to say that while resigning was very difficult and while she still supports the Liberal Party, she felt she could not remain in cabinet.

“I felt that there was evidence of an attempt to politically interfere with the justice system in its work on the criminal trial that has been described by some as the most important and serious prosecution of corporate corruption in modern Canadian history.”

She also slammed Finance Minister Bill Morneau, who had suggested and insulted her integrity by saying that Philpott resigned because Wilson-Raybould was her friend. “I don’t make decisions on any policy — and definitely not on a matter of principle — based on friendship.”

Eventually, Trudeau will have to allow Jody Wilson Raybould to speak. He will not get a pass nor will he be able to hide behind weaklings like Housefather. By holding her back, we come closer and closer to October’s election. Our wish – that she speak in September aka the September Surprise.

Beto O’Rourke is another Democrat nutball running for President. In a normal course of events for him, he ate dirt after losing to Ted Cruz. He kept doing it because of the the nutritional value of dirt. Where do the democrats find these people?

In case you were thinking that maybe Valerie Plante, mayor of Montreal is not the mother-of-all-tree-huggers, now you will know for sure. If you get a parking ticket in the not-to-distant-future, it will cost you $78 instead of $62. If you park in a bus lane, which of course you should not, it will now cost you $302 instead of $150.

Blanche, ya think she wants all cars off the roads? Everyone best start looking for a bicycle equipped for ice, wind, sleet, rain, potholes and snowstorms because if she has her way, we will be charged for simply starting our cars.

What? Your aunt Minnie is 75 years old and can’t ride a bike? Tell Aunt Minnie to go fight city hall and start with our hyena-laughing mayor.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be on the cover of Time magazine in April. Not much to say here except that we will very much enjoy when she takes the big fall that will hopefully come her way shortly.

Happy Purim Good Shabbos We’ll talk…

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