We thought to wait until Tuesday to send this out, but as it directly affects our riding, we decided to run it today as a special edition.
Blanche's readers are intelligent, thinking people and they can clearly see that Housefather is hopping around like a scared wabbit. Running an editiorial begging people to vote for him before the election has even been called? That is called panic mode.
The picture above very accurately sums up Anthony Housefather. Closed eyes with an idiot grin praying that he can keep his job.
"Please, please don't fire me." And to that end, nothing is too ridiculous, too low or to bizarre for him to try and save his skin. To wit...
A few days ago, there was an editorial in the Montreal Gazette begging people to vote for him. Vote the person not the party was their motto. And - we loved this one - vote for Housefather if you want to save the Anglos in quebec. Oh really?
To add to the absurdity of that editorial, not a word was mentioned about anthony's new job as special adviser on Jewish community relations and antisemitism.
That was Justin's carrot tipping the scales to keep Anthony in the liberal party. Anthony was going to save the Jews in Canada. Remember that? Clearly Anthony forgot.
Here's the other elephant in the room:
The over 50 people who signed that editorial (some of whom were never asked if their names could be included) made zero mention of either the liberal party or its leader Justin.
Did they conveniently forget when given the opportunity to leave, Anthony stayed in bed snuggled under the covers with Justin? He couldn't bear to leave his beloved liberal party. Now they can't even write the words liberal or Justin?
Why would anyone want Housefather re-elected? He is Justin's doormat.
Like a little napeoleonic hero he voted against his party on some issues. And so?
It did nothing. Babkis. Zero. Whatever Justin wanted passed was done. Anthony Housefather is more useless than a screen door on a submarine. Voting the candidate over the party, as those who signed that ridiculous editorial, gets you nothing.
The election hasn't even been called and Housefather is panicking. He stooped so low as to use the vote for me to save the anglos card? Seriously?
Anyone who signed their name to that editorial should be hanging their heads in shame. They are supporting a loser. And he will lose.
We will keep reminding you that there is a viable, energetic, intelligent, honest and courageous candidate in the Mount Royal riding.
His name is Neil Oberman.
He is part of the conservative party.
Their leader is Pierre Poilievre.
Their deputy leader is Melissa Lantsman.
We are not embarrassed to write any of this publicly. In fact, we are proud of who Neil is running with - both the leader and the party.
Remember this when it comes time to vote.
We'll talk...
Well said!!!