Blanche, don't you find it interesting that those trying to save the world from cow emissions, climate change, global warming - take your pick - always find the nicest places to hold their conferences? This one is in Bali November 15-16. Now how nice is that?
Here are the opening two sentences from the Bali Summit/Climate-Diplomacy website:
The 17th G20 Heads of State and Government Summit will take place in 15-16 November 2022 in Bali. The Summit will be the pinnacle of the G20 process and intense work carried out within the Ministerial Meetings, Working Groups, and Engagement Groups throughout the year.
Let's start with how all these hard-working heads of state, saving the world from climate change are getting to Bali. Let's see. Oh right. They all have private jets. So much for their carbon footprints. Can someone please 'splain' why they can't do this on zoom? It's a two-day conference and everybody has to fly their from all over the world for a 48 hour summit?
Next - did you notice that these people do 'intense' work? Seriously? In between lying on the beach and having a pina colada at the bar.
We did a little digging and found out that our illustrious drama-queen of a prime minister Justin has a full schedule this coming week:
He will first be participating in the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Summit in Phnom Penh Cambodia from November 12 to November 13, then the G20 Summit in Bali from November 15 & 16, and finally the 18th la Francophonie summit on November 19 and November 20 in Tunisia.
And would you look at that - The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs will be joining Justin at all his conferences and summits. Badabing badaboom.

We have nothing against drag queens. Live and let live. What we cannot understand is Justin's obsession with wanting to be in the spotlight no matter what the scenario. The two words drama-queen fit perfectly here.
Justin decided that to boost the morale of the lgbtq+2 community, he will appear on a drag queen show called the Drag Race. Can we talk?
It came to light that he is the only leader in the world who has done this. You know why? Because every other leader knows that doing these things is not befitting a leader. There is an unwritten rule that one in a leadership role should have the wherewithal to behave in a dignified manner.
This goes along with singing at the bar in the Corinthia Hotel (and who stayed in that $6000 a night room?) the night before Queen Elizabeth's funeral. It's just not done. Undignified and in that case, disrespectful.
As a Canadians, our only saving grace is that he didn't dress in drag. What a total dufus.

No. We don't live in Cuba or Haiti or Russia. Yet, we have one of the basic third-world problems - a shortage of children's Tylenol and Advil as well as the antibiotic amoxicillin which treats kids illnesses like ear infections, bronchitis and pneumonia.
Why does the U.S. and Australia have more than enough medicine for children while parents in our country have to run across the border and load up on basic medicine for their children?
It's a long story but one of the main reasons is the following: Canada does not have an essential medicines list similar to those in the U.S. and more than 100 other countries. Seriously? Nobody has a list of the basic medicines? Indeed that is the case. This falls directly under the auspices of our procurement minister. And who might that be?
Here ya go: The Honorable Helena Jaczek. She may be honorable, but is way above her head in terms of knowing what her job entails as well as not knowing what is happening in her four cubits. This is an economy 101 issue for someone of her ilk.
Not only do we need a list of essential drugs, but guess what? We should know where to go to in the world to find replacements which right now, we do not.
FYI - Madame Jaczek makes $269,800 a year. One would think she could get her act together, even if the previous 10 procurement ministers dropped the ball.

Remember a few months ago we wrote about Disney and their new uber woke Vice President? We will jog your memory:
Disney 'diversity and inclusion' manager Vivian Ware says the company has eliminated all mentions of "ladies," "gentlemen," "boys," and "girls" in its theme parks in order to create "that magical moment" for children who do not identify with traditional gender roles.
That was the beginning of a slippery slide for Disney. After that they jacked up their prices so their parks are now only available to the rich and famous. There's no doubt Walt Disney is rolling in his grave. Here is his mission statement: "The important thing is the family. If you can keep the family together—and that’s the backbone of our business, catering to families—that’s what we hope to do.”
This is today's news: DISNEY TANKS: While all eyes were on the midterm elections yesterday, Walt Disney Co. reported bad earnings: a $20 billion nosedive to the lowest level in 2.5 years.
Disney+'s quarterly losses more than doubled year-over-year, forcing executives to commit to cuts in the company’s streaming platform, reportedly causing a shift for the woke media giant, and making things worse.
This is where the adage you can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time comes in. People are finding other places to park their money to have a good, innocent and fun time with their families.

One more thing about Justin...In his busy-ness to save the world from cow emissions and, perish the thought - the little peeps using plastic bags, he will not partake in the Remembrance Day ceremony in Ottawa tomorrow.
After all what's more important - saving the world from cow farts or honoring the men and women who gave their lives so he could live like an entitled fool?
Good Shabbos
We'll talk...