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Writer's pictureJoannie Tansky

Some Very Smart People Out There...Justin Not Being One of the Them...WAKE-UP PEEPS!...Red Mountain Rant...

At this point, people are clearly wondering why Justin is hanging on with his fingernails to the edge of the cliff. Dearies - this is not rocket science. In fact, the answer is staring us all in the face and, not to say we told you - but we have been saying this for a very long time.

Justin was born with his mother's good hair and looks but not with his father's brains. In other words, he's a handsome airhead, who got where he is via 2 ways: a) When he was first elected, people were done with Stephen Harper who had been in power for 10 years. They did not vote for Justin, they voted against Harper. The second time the conservatives put up a weak, candidate and he won again.

As per a friend of ours - Barbara Kay...Justin is a Prime Minister with few options for a post- power career.

He has no credentials or talent or wisdom or connections that are valuable in his marketplace. Thats why he clings so desperately to his status. Once it is gone, he will be the nobody he would have been without his name.

All his badly timed vacations, his moronic reaction to Trump recently telling a huge crowd that anyone who didn't elect a woman in the US this past election missed the boat, his getting us into debt beyond anyone's wildest dreams - all of it is because he's just plain old stupid.

And there you have it. He knows he's a dead duck when he leaves so he's holding on as long as he possibly can. His post prime minister speaking tours will be limited to bathing suit conventions where breathless speakers are in demand.

We will reiterate here that Anthony Housefather was not bright enough to figure this out. Ergo he stayed with the loser rather than taking a chance and going with a winner. He stayed with Justin thinking he was protecting his job.

As we can see from the polls, he's sinking along with the Titanic. Bada bing, bada boom.

If you have not yet woken up to Justin's insidious ways, you still. have a bit of time.

In the we-can't-wait-for-it department, Pierre Poilievre promised to “defund” “all of those with a woke anti-Semitic agenda. That cannot come soon enough.

As an article we read in the National Post said, Justin Trudeau will forever be remembered as the underminer. Without actually coming out and saying anything, he secretly and insidiously undermines the Jewish communities in Canada.

How does he do this? You've seen the picture over and over again. A school is shot at and his response is 'this is not who we are' but doesn't lift a finger to find out who did it.

Or he says, 'we stand with the Jewish people' and then goes swimming.

Or, our personal favorite, 'this kind of behavior will not be tolerated against Jews or Muslims' when not one muslim anything has been targeted since October 7.

We encourage you to read the short quote from the National Post article as it will jog your memory, reminding you only what Justin did, but what Anthony Housefather endorsed by staying with him:

"...they awarded Laith Marouf’s advocacy group with more than $133,000, supposedly to combat racism. The total amount granted to Marouf was about $500,000.

It was the same Laith Marouf who shamelessly took to social media to post:

“You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, a.k.a. the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they come from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of thier (sic) Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters."

Still voting for Justin and Housefather? Even if you're not Jewish you better wake up. As we keep saying - first they come for the Jews, then they come for everybody else. All the white, christian peaceful people who just want to live their lives.

It doesn't work that way. In a country with sharia law you are under sharia law. Nobody cares what you think or who you are. So all those moronic kaffieyeh wearing little white snowflakes? Useful idiots for whoever is behind their so-called 'protests'.

There are some actors went out of their minds when Trump was re-elected.

So much so, they have threatened to move out of the USA. Oh really?

You can be sure that 99% of them won't be going anywhere as it's way to out of their comfort zone and they all ascribe to NIMBY - not in my backyard.

Yes, we love all the homeless people and yes, they should be allowed to live on the streets in front of stores so people have to step over them to shop. But we love them from a distance. Don't come anywhere near my gated community.

There is one guy who many people have heard of who has lost his marbles. Rob Reiner. He was meathead on All in the Family (for those over 50 who remember), and directed countless really great movies like When Harry Met Sally. He was always a decent guy until he came down with the Trump derangement syndrome.

His latest post outdid all his other ones:

"Until Trump goes to prison, I will no longer be posting on Twitter. I've had it with the insults and put-downs. F all of you Maga as...

Sadly, he had to check himself into a facility a few weeks after Trump was elected on November 5. He called the incoming president a fascist and claimed that the United States had “fallen".

He's one of the more extreme anti-Trumpers but is in good company with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey.

Here's a tip for all of them: The woke movement thinks what they believe is the only way to live - as long as it doesn't upset their way of living. Did you ever try having a conversation with someone who idolizes Obama? Yes, there are still people who think Obama is a good person. You are wasting your breath.

In the end peeps, after all is said and done neither woke nor Trump controls anything.

It is G-d who decided who will run the USA for the next four years and He decided it was Donald J. Trump. Of course He made it much easier for Trump to demolish the democrats by them putting Kamala Harris forward as the bumbling idiot of a candidate

It is G-d who runs the world, not, as he would like it to be, Rob Reiner or any of the other woke peeps. They had their five minutes of fame and now they will have Trump to make sure those five minutes are over.

Someone should send this meme to Justin.

It appears Justin Trudeau has ticked off a lot of people while on vacation. It is mind-boggling that this guy is able always, wherever he goes, able to make enemies.

He took his family skiing at a place called The Red Mountain Resort located in northern Arizona where they apparently have snow.

Someone, who obviously has not a clue who Justin is, posted this on Twitter:

RANT to some bozo at Red Mountain. I have never been so angry after a day at Red Mountain.

Some self-important big shot showed up with an entourage of security, and they absolutely ruined the entire experience for everyone else. This guy and his goons thought they were too good to wait in line, cutting ahead of families and kids like they owned the lifts.

I don't know who he was, but the arrogance was disgusting. Who the hell shows up to a public ski hill and acts like that?

And if that wasn't bad enough, his crew completely clogged up the Josie Hotel and the Velvet. The lobby was a zoo-bodyguards everywhere, barking orders, acting like regular people were in their way. The bar was packed, the staff seemed stressed out, and the whole place felt like a circus. It's a SKI LODGE, not your personal clubhouse. If you're so special, go rent a private chalet.

You can be very sure that eventually people will find that this 'big shot' was Justin Trudeau. You can also be sure if Trump finds out about this, he's going to make minced meat out of Justin.

Happy Chanukah

Good Shabbos

We'll talk...


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