Over the past few days, Justin Trudeau scored a hat trick. In case you don’t know what that means here ya go: three successes of the same kind, especially consecutive ones within a limited period.
Back to Justin. He cut his hair, shaved his beard and appointed an Indigenous woman by the name of Mary Simon as Canada’s new Governor General. If you think an election is far off, think again. Our poster boy prime minister would never take election campaign pictures with a gray beard. Ergo, the shave. We are hearing mid August to call the election which would put election day squarely during the Jewish holidays in September. What a coinkidink… for the second election in a row. We hope someone gave him a Jewish calendar as all the holidays this year fall during the week. And if he has said calendar, that someone around him actually looks at it.
Clearly there is no shortage of, shall we say, interesting people living in the United States. About 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning, a state trooper saw two cars stopped in a side lane on a highway near Boston. What was unusual was that beside this car was a group of men armed with rifles and pistols just standing around. A shtikel strange.
After being asked for their gun permits, these dudes scattered into the nearby woods off Interstate 95. We don’t know about you, but spending a night in the woods, summer or winter, is not our idea of a hotel. Can we talk mosquitos?
Their self-professed leader told police that the men were traveling from Rhode Island to Maine for some “training”. These men are from a group called the rise of the moors which is “Moorish sovereign citizens” whose adherents say they are part of their own sovereign nation and therefore are not subject to any U.S. law. Now that is very special.
What was particularly exciting about this is that it happened on the July 4th weekend with gzillions of people traveling. The I95 was blocked for upteen hours until the men finally surrendered early Saturday morning. Giddy-up.
Democrats are in a major tizzy because their diversity perfect, not too white not too black heir apparent to Joe Biden is completely screwing up her job. We speak of Kamala Harris, now Vice President of the United States of America.
As things stand now, insiders say she would not even beat Donald Trump and that’s saying something. Insiders say her office is dour and toxic. Where have we heard that before? Oh right. Julie Payette our ex-governor general – and look where she is now.
What puzzles us is that her demeanor was well known before she became VP. Let’s just say that she would not win Miss Congeniality in the Miss America contest.
Harris completely bungled the the illegal immigration crisis along the US-Mexico border, after Biden named her Border Czar and ordered her to address the situation. It took her forever to get to the border, responded in a nasty tone when asked about that and when she finally did, went to El Paso where there are few issues, staying very far away from where the real issues are. Like 500 miles far.
This of course fits right into our narrative of last week that there is simply no leadership anywhere. She’s just another shining example of that.
It appears we are not the only ones completely frustrated by Justin’s zero plan to open the borders. With one word, Biden will comply and open the borders to us canucks as his people are done with Trudeau’s throwing the tourism industry under the bus for a second summer.
If Justin gave the country a plan and stuck to it, that would be half the battle. But he keeps moving the goal posts depending on which way the wind blows. Or who whispers in his ear. If it’s Theresa Tam we are doomed. She is death and gloom when she speaks. The world is collapsing. 50000 more cases of covid. We will have to shut down again in the fall. Sparkling personality. Not.
Lest you think we are the only ones lamenting the border closure, check out this article in the National Post today. We are not the only ones singing this tune: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/we-just-want-a-clear-plan-on-border-say-industry-reps
Here’s a headline for Tam, Justin et al in the Federal government: Double vaccinated people plus the hundreds of thousands who have had covid equal herd immunity. Open the damn borders.
The condo collapse in Surfside Florida is going from bad to worse. The second building, which was barely left standing, was brought down, much to the chagrin of those who still had their entire lives in there. Now a nasty tropical storm is making the search muddy, wet and cold. G-d should give strength to everyone there – the rescue workers, those identifying bodies, the poor families waiting for word that at least their loved ones were found to be buried and those giving spiritual and physical help to those who need it. What a mess.
While Biden was at the G7 a couple of weeks ago, he warned Vladimir Putin to end the ransomware attacks on US businesses. Putin smiled. In the last couple of days, it seems that Russians have launched hundreds of ransomware attacks, hitting businesses at one time all over the world. In Sweden, the ransomware attack has temporarily shut down hundreds of their Coop grocery stores because the cash registers were locked up.
It seems these dudes wait for a holiday to really cause trouble because they know many less people are manning network security.
Biden was asked about this as he was eating an ice cream. He clearly didn’t want to be disturbed but stopped licking to answer the question. He first replied that he had told Putin not launch cyberattacks against the U.S. He then said that he gave the Russians a list that “should be off limits to attack, period, by cyber or any other means.”
“I gave them a list, if I’m not mistaken — I don’t have it in front of me — 16 specific entities; 16 defined as critical infrastructure under U.S. policy, from the energy sector to our water systems”.
We are beginning to think that Biden needs a lot more help than he is currently getting.
We’ll talk…