Here's the blunt truth: If your mayor allows rallies to celebrate the slaughter of Jewish men, women and children - under the guise of free speech - then your mayor is in bed with hamas. There is no middle ground here. Valerie Plante is one such mayor. She is on the wrong side of history.
If she does not stop these protests she is standing with them. She is condoning what they did. This is not a free speech issue. This is a human decency issue.
Here is her website. Her email address is on the right:
Take time to write to her. We no longer have the luxury to remain silent. She needs to know that people see through her.
She is one of those bleeding heart liberals who claims to live for climate change, the underprivileged, the underdog - the betterment of humanity. It's a crock. If she cannot figure out that massacring babies is sub-human, then she stands with those people.
And one more thing: Madame Plante was asked to sit on a committee in the united nations. Perfect match. The un is a house of lies. She belongs there.
Here's someone else who, in these heavy days, will stand out as both tone-deaf and on the wrong side of history. Pascal Dery.
As a Jewish woman she didn't have the sensitivity or the kahoonas to tell her boss - the czar legault - that this is not the right time to put forth yet another ridiculous edict that will do less than nothing to help save the 'french language' in quebec? That this is a manufactured problem. In the world we now live does she not see how meaningless this is?
How could she sit there, shoulder to shoulder with the quebec education minister and spew the garbage and complete idiocy that legault is asking her to do? Has she not one iota of self-respect?
As 'higher education minister' we cannot fathom, in our wildest dreams that she believes for a nano-second that doubling the tuition for foreign students is going to do anything to help the french language in quebec.
When her time with the czar legault is over, we hope she is not in any way, shape or form embraced in either Montreal's Jewish or anglo communities. Shame, shame on her.
And why is everyone so shocked that universities are condoning the massacre of Jews? Seriously?
Did everyone not keep reading for years about liberal universities pushing the bds movement? Did everyone not see their professors, leaders and student bodies ban buying products from Israel's 'occupied' West Bank?
This has been festering like a boil for years. Now alumni can see exactly what kind of institutions they are supporting and cut that support immediately.
And while we're at it, where is the bleeding heart Jewish liberal Hollywood group now? Do you see them writing save Israel on the street like they wrote blm on the street?
Do you see them making open statements condemning the atrocities? No you don't.
Keep that in mind next time you want to go to a movie where one of these people are starring. Don't give them your money.
One has to wonder where Matt Gaetz is these days. He's been awol, off the grid since he used his vote to oust the speaker of the house Kevin McCarthy.
Mr. Gaetz got rid of McCarthy for his own personal gain. He had hoped that McCarthy would charges such as bribery when elected. It didn't happen and Gaetz was royally ticked off and dumped McCarthy.
He never dreamed, in a million years, how drastically the world would change and how dumb he would look as the one who paralyzed the house of representatives.
Here are a few things that cannot be done until a speaker of the house is elected - and that doesn't look like it's happening any time soon:
Let's start with he's third in line for the presidency after the prez and his vice prez (perish the thought) at this time kamala harris.
The position of Speaker of the House is one of the most powerful in Washington. Depending on the partisan makeup of Congress, they can make or break a US president's agenda, stymie opposition, and spearhead their party's biggest legislative initiatives.
For example, if the US wants to give arms and money to Israel it must be voted on in the house. Without a speaker that cannot be done.
We are guessing that Gaetz is now in hiding as he should be. And whoever is the new speaker should take all the charges against him and keep them going.
It's official. The czar legault has lost his mind.
His newest proclamation is that the Big Owe in Montreal aka the olympic stadium should not only be saved, but its $50 billion roof be fixed yet again. Why you ask?
Well, according the czar people coming from Paris to visit quebec want to see what the architect of the stadium Tailbert, put up.
Yes dearies, that's why people from France come to Montreal and that's why the czar wants to spend probably another $10 billion on the roof of a building that should be demolished.
We never heard of Dan Bongino. but he has made more sense than almost any of the other talking heads out there.
For four years, from 1995 to 1999, he served as a New York City Police Department officer, and then as a Secret Service agent from 1999 to 2011. Now he's a conservative commentator.
Here's what he said. Read it and pass it on to your liberal, love those trans, lgbtq+++, genderless bathroom people, blm, take a knee, woke geniuses:
Hamas poses a threat for not only the Jews, but the West in general. “The same people who want to kill the Jews, want to kill you too. Your ‘coexist’ bumper sticker won’t save you."
And he is 100% correct. You do not follow the religion of islam? Then to hamas you are an infidel and they need to get rid of you.
But you 'love' everyone. You want to 'coexist' with everybody. It won't help you. Read on:
As the world burns some people absolutely refuse to exit their bubble. The world is only to be seen through their lens. Anything else is heresy.
And his final note:
Don’t you find it odd that conservatives need police protection during speeches on college campuses (if the events are allowed to happen at all), while supporters of the Hamas death cult openly call for death and destruction on campuses with no such concerns? So strange.
He's right on the mark. Take note Madame Plante.
We'll talk...