This is a picture of Romi Gonen, a young Israeli woman ripped away from the Nova festival on October 7, 2023 - 15 months ago by hamas animals.
As she finally emerged from her months in hell, she was handed over from one Red Cross van to another amid the deafening roars of tens of thousands of men closing in. Her expression makes it clear how terrified she was.
And if any thinking, normal person gives the red cross another dime, well, you are supporting an organization that is not only on the wrong side of history, they are complicit with murderers and rapists.
Not only did they fail to visit any of the hostages even once, but the vans in this photo also had enormous red crosses displayed on their roofs. This shows, without a shred of doubt, that they are very much a part of everything hamas is doing.
If not, they would have picked themselves up and left gaza long ago.
It appears that hamas staged this mess to show the world that they are still alive and well. They will rot in hell but not soon enough.
And where are the feminists? Why aren't they screaming from the rooftops how abusive this is? The answer is the were silent on October 7 and are still silent.
They are just like all those other so-called ‘feel-good’ groups—completely full of it.
BLM, Occupy Wall Street, the Floyd riots, and now the antisemitic protests are all funded movements that use useful idiots for their own ends.
None of the people backing these causes, including the so-called feminists, gives a rats you-know-what about anything beyond advancing their own agenda.
Romi is petrified. As she should be. Imagine having to get out of a van with a few hundred screaming, armed, face-covered animals? Beyond words.

Justin Trudeau is moving heaven and earth to make sure that Mark Carney gets the leadership position. Good morning. It clearly shows that Carney is far, far from the political outsider he claims to be.
Former Justin top advisor and bestie Gerald Butts is part of Carney’s campaign team while others close to Trudeau, including Trudeau’s chief of staff Katie Telford, are making calls on Carney’s behalf.
It appears that Justin did not take well to Freeland giving him the middle finger in public a little while ago - to put it mildly - and is making darn sure his inner circle is backing Carney. Revenge anyone?
While the media is trying hard to hide this, it has come to light that - zut alors - Carney has been an intimate collaborator of Justin for several years. No wonder Justin's peeps are helping out their friend.
Now for Carney...
...He referred to the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 as “entirely constructive”
...He sees climate change and “net zero” (carbon emissions) as a ”huge economic opportunity”. By net zero carbon emissions we are talking cow gas and your car gas.
...He wrote that the Freedom Convoy of 2022 was an attempted “insurrection.”
...He allowed the Bank of England (while Chairman of the Bank of England) to become a ceaseless advocate of extreme views about climate change. This was seen in the United Kingdom as a very inappropriate initiative for the governor of the Bank of England.
Carney is a 2.0 older version of Justin. You want that? Or maybe you want Freeland who sat on Justin's lap for 10 years and backed every woke, climate change, carbon tax, save-the-planet, over-spending action he did.

Would you look at that. Harvard settled two lawsuits accusing the University of mishandling antisemitism on campus for an undisclosed amount on Tuesday, closing the proceedings just after President Donald Trump — who has promised to punish universities over antisemitism claims — took office. Keep reading.
In the weeks preceding Trump’s inauguration, a wave of universities — including the University of California system and Brown University — made sure to settle Title VI complaints under the Department of Education alleging they failed to respond to campus antisemitism. The settlements allowed universities to end the Education Department’s investigations before Trump took office.
Under the settlements, Harvard will adopt an official partnership with a university in Israel — directly contradicting the demands of pro-Palestine campus organizations, which have urged Harvard to cut ties with Israeli institutions.
Also per the settlements, announced separately, Harvard will clarify that its non-discrimination policies protect Israeli and Jewish students and adopt the widely-used but controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Association definition of antisemitism.
Please - someone send this to Anthony Housefather and instruct him carefully to share this with his boss Justin, the leader whose bed Anthony could not bear to leave.
What did little Anthony do to help the university students? He blathered on and on like a monkey repeating Justin's 'this is not who we are' empty words.

And speaking of little Anthony - he looked like a clapping seal standing behind Chrystia Freeland when she announced her candidacy.
Her very small rally was held in a school gymnasium with little Anthony right behind her. Imagine her surprise when her rally was completely overrun by antisemitic protestors.
As soon as one loser stopped yelling and was hauled out of the room, another one popped up and started yelling. There were at least 10 of them who managed to infiltrate the room.
One of them tried to jump on the stage. Can we talk?
How bush is this woman and those running her campaign? Did she forget that people dislike her intensely for the carbon tax and other financial burdens she shoved down their throats?
But even more than that, she is getting a taste of what it means to be harassed by useful idiots supporting hamas because her own government loves free speech.
Here's a headline madame Freeland: free speech does not include shrieking that Israel should be pushed into the ocean with all its people. That is called hate speech and now you saw it up front and close - with your clapping seal right behind you doing what he always does - nothing.

Remember to get rid of Justin, Anthony, Freeland, Carney et al you have to vote them out.
Neil Oberman is running for the conservative party in Mount Royal.
We encourage you to check out his website (https://www.neiloberman.ca/en/bio-2/) and see for yourself what he has done to actually help the students in universities.
In fact, we encourage you to call him. Ask him about his policies. He's approachable.

Now for the 25% tariffs Trump may impose on Canada, maybe on February 1.
If anyone has seen Trump speak over the past upteen years, you know very well that at least half of what he says is made up on the spot.
Does he want to impose tariffs on Canada? Most likely.
Does he really know what this entails? No.
Will he eventually impose those tariffs? No.
His handlers will speak to governors and mayors of border cities. They will get the scoop that both countries will suffer badly if there are such tariffs on both sides and if Trump wants America to prosper, this is not the way to do it.
Justin threw all of us under the bus and know you can see the result.
Canada has no leader right now and Trump knows it. Justin is the one who made the decision to prorogue parliament to allow his liberal party to get their ducks in a row. Trump talked about these 25% tariffs for a very long time. Justin chose now to leave when he could have and should have done so a year ago.
It's Justin's fault we are in the mess we are now in. Period.
Our guess is that in a save-face moment, Trump will do or say something or create a new bill that will extricate him from imposing said tariffs.
Make sure you remember you read that here first.
And one more thing: Trump thinks Justin is a twinkie and he despises Freeland. Canada needs to send somebody else to deal with the president.
And we agree with Trump. Justin is a twinkie.
We'll talk...
Is it not at all terrifying that the most powerful person in the world just publicly blasts off random batshit crazy ideas, forcing everyone to prepare for the worst just in case he follows through?
Such a stable genius businessman would have figured out by now that’s not a productive way to operate. It’s no surprise why so many of his business ventures fail, like his steak business. And somehow he managed for his own casino to fail (not unheard of but for a casino to fail it must be really badly mismanaged, which is consistent with his business history except as it relates to gaming the system to increase his personal wealth).
Complaining about Trudeau being useless is all…