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Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole!!!

Bravo!!!! to our Habs who swept the Tampa Bay Lightening 4 games to zip! We’re going to the second round of the playoffs.

On Sunday night before the third game of the hockey playoffs between Montreal and Tampa Bay, Ginette Reno a very famous and beloved French Canadian singer, came out onto the ice in Montreal wearing a Montreal Canadiens Jersey. It was her first foray singing since suffering a heart attack in January.

She sang with no musical accompaniment, simply belting out O Canada. The first verse was in French and all 20,000 or so fans sang along enthusiastically. It was the second verse of the national anthem, sung in English, that rendered the place deafening. It was as if the population, both French and English, were telling the Parti Quebecois that we live in the country of Canada, in the province of Quebec and are proud of both.

The price of gas in Montreal has risen to 153.4 per liter. For those who don’t quite understand this price, it’s over $6.00 a gallon. We just read some of the excuses: The Canadian dollar has been falling lately; that reduces the buying power of a barrel of oil; the price of oil is going up; Usually, prices go up in the spring, just in time for the summer buying season.

We did a bit of research and found out that in Ontario, where they share the same Canadian dollar and the price of oil is also going up, the price per liter is 111.5, approximately, $4.85 a gallon.

Is it not about time that we stop getting hosed on gas here? We have written this before: when every station changes its prices at the same time to the same price, something is amiss in America. Does Blanche have to be the one to do an undercover expose on the gas prices here or is there a journalist out there who will step up to the plate?

Those lowlifes in the PQ just don’t get it. Those who managed to keep their seats were sworn into the National Assembly in Quebec city today. Before the swearing in they had the Canadian flag removed from the upper chamber. When the Liberals will be sworn in tomorrow, the Canadian flag will be flying proudly.

Blanche, ya think those losers really believe that if they take down the Canadian flag the country will disappear? They remind us of babies who, when they hold their hands over their eyes, think that everyone else can’t see them. Feh.

Did you notice that many election signs are still hanging onto posts? The parties have till midnight tomorrow to take down their signs or we assume they will be fined. The funniest was the green party’s signs, still up two weeks after the election. Green is obviously just a color to them or they would have made sure to get those signs down long ago. They are certainly not saving the world, the environment, the whales or the trees.

Guess which is the worst airline in the US? Spirit. Poor service, poor communication, poor quality. Now read this part: Spirit has become the most profitable U.S. airline in terms of its operating margin and return on invested capital. Spirit’s 16.2 percent margin is highest among U.S. public airlines, as is its 26 percent return on capital.

Guess what Spirit says about the complaints about them? The passengers just have misunderstandings with the airline. Nice, eh? They attract passengers with the lowest prices. And for that you get the smallest seats, the most cramped planes and pay for everything from water, carry-on bags to your seat assignments. Flying just ain’t what it used to be Blanche. Ach.

We’ll talk…

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