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Pea-Brained Urban Planners

Now that the city of Montreal is coming back to life after the summer, the complete and total ineptness of the city and their absolute less than zero planning when ‘fixing’ the infrastructure is like a flashing red light everywhere in the city. Both drivers and pedestrians have reached a frustration level, on a scale of 1-10, at 11.

One wonders if urban planners for the city of Montreal are chosen because they are either total illiterates rendering them unable to read a map or have a brain the size of a mini-pea, which has the same result. As they are redoing every street, north, south, east and west in the same neighborhoods at the same time there is no doubt that one of the two above choices are factual.

For those who voted in Mayor Valerie Plante, we hope you are enjoying the misery you have brought upon the city.

She has mandated every sidewalk known to man bumped out four feet into the street. What she didn’t think about – quel surprise – is that bikes also have to avoid those bumped out sidewalks, pushing them directly into the streets, which are now filled with angry, frustrated drivers.

There is no end to this ‘fixing’ and there is obviously an endless supply of pea-brain city workers whose work ethic and skills are in the minus column. Your tax dollars at work.

Uh oh. Illan Omar, part of the gruesome foursome of women who are hell-bent on bringing socialism to the United States, has now been publicly accused of not only having an affair with a married man, but funnelling campaign money to him.

Via court documents, it was brought to light that approximately $230,000 was funnelled to her then-married-to-someone-else-significant-other through her campaign since 2018. The monies were for fundraising consulting, digital communications, Internet advertising and travel expenses.

Seems that someone by the name of Rep. Duncan Hunter, a Republican from California is being criminally prosecuted and facing prison for using campaign funds to fund extramarital affairs. What’s Omar going to do now? Shriek at the judge? That certainly won’t work. Keep your eye on this story. It could get very interesting.

There’s a fresh, new, smart and pretty Latino woman who very well could upstage that loud-mouth Alexandra Ocasio Cortez. She’s 26 years old, her name is Catalina Lauf and she comes from Wood­stock, Illinois. Her grandmother and mother were born in Guatemala and came to the US legally.

What is really intriguing about this woman is her take on politics. It’s normal. You don’t like Trump, run for office. You’re not happy with how things are done, run for office. You want AOC and her cohorts out, run for office.

She is a republican who actually likes Trump and believes that how he is handling the immigrant issue is correct. She knows of what she speaks as her grandmother had to stop her education in 3rd grade and work on a coffee bean farm to provide for her family. She came to the US for a better life. She and her mother worked every day and learned English at night to become citizens.

The woman is articulate, doesn’t shriek and carry on like a mad banshee, and actually makes a lot of sense. She also loves the United States of America and is not a socialist. We hope she wins.

Before the Canadian election on Monday October 21, there will be a leaders debate. Never mind that Maxime Bernier is still trying rewrite the rules and get on that stage. That is now taking second place to a much bigger issue. Asking the questions at the debate are five women, three news anchors — Lisa LaFlamme, Rosemary Barton and Dawna Friesen — and two columnists, Susan Delacourt and Althia Raj.

Can we talk here? What the heck is this all about?

Years ago, debates were the sole domain of men. Those running were men and those asking the questions were men. Women were completely shut out. Not good.

So now someone or some organization gone completely bonkers, choosing not only five women, but five women whose jobs have them completely immersed in the world of politics.

We have a few issues and questions. Are they feminists and are they going to go after Justin? Or are they feminists and are in his court no matter what he does?

And the bigger question: are they going to take questions from women who watched the SNC-Jody Wilson Raybould affair and could identify with bosses who used their clout as men to demean or worse, fire them?

What’s with the liberal, save-the-whales and turtles world? Can’t they ever find a middle ground?

While we are loathe to even write the name Jeffrey Epstein, there are two things happening simultaneously that are newsworthy.

The first is that the footage that could explain how Jeffrey Epstein died is unusable. No kidding.

There were so many people that didn’t want Epstein to open his mouth that the list of who could have done him in is most likely tens of pages long. Again we say the following: Someone paid someone who paid someone who paid someone else to tell the guards to sleep, ruin the video and do Epstein in.

As for the women who were given a chance to testify today in court, while they are no doubt victims in this case, their words are like the song blowing in the wind.

Without Epstein, it is going to be almost impossible to prove anything. He was most likely going to sing and finger many, many prominent people, like, oh, say Prince Andrew who after waving goodbye to a pretty blond leaving Epstein’s mansion on the Upper East Side is vehemently denying that anything happened. Right, they were playing gin rummy.

Those young girls will not see any of his money, as he tied it up for years and nothing will happen in court. Life is sometimes not fair and this is one of those times.

We’ll talk…

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