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Special (and short) Blanche Report on Municipal Elections

Although Denis Cordere is the new mayor of Montreal he is certainly not the most popular with only 32% of the popular vote. As of this writing, it does not look as though he will have a majority in council as 33 seats are needed and so far he has 27 seats with most of them counted.

Melanie Joly, who was not asked to participate in the first debate, came in second with 26.5% of the vote. Imagine that, eh?

Louise Harel, the beauty who wanted a municipal language police in Montreal lost her seat.

William Steinberg was re-elected mayor of Hampstead with all but one of those he endorsed. Ari Kugler lost to Warren Budning.

A rather unsavory campaign was run in Outremont. It seems, shall we say politely, that not all of the ‘tribe’ wanted Mindy Pollack to win her seat. Despite trying to smear her, she won.

More details in Tuesday’s blog along with some exciting news.

We’ll talk…

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