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That Darned One-Time Use Plastic Cutlery

On June 10, 2019, less than one month ago, our very handsome Prime Minister Trudeau announced that the federal government will ban “harmful, single-use plastics,” such as grocery bags, straws, cutlery, plates and stir sticks, as soon as 2021. Nice initiative.

Unfortunately, as seems to be the case with Justin, he forgot what he said and was caught redhanded at a meeting with a table laden with single-use plastic forks, plates, cups, etc.

When confronted by the media, his genius handlers said they were going to be reused. Spare us. Those one-time forks can barely get through the one-time use. Never mind getting washed and reused.

What should he have done? Be honest. Now that’s refreshing, eh Blanche? Why couldn’t he just say it’s hard for everyone to stop using one-time plastic items and he’s working on it, as we all are. He has a talent for never taking ownership of a problem, hiding behind talking-heads.

The ‘polls’ are showing that he’s gaining back some of his lost popularity. We simply cannot believe that after all this time, all the dumb things he has done, his touting himself as a feminist while throwing women who dare to stand up to him under the bus – people are still duped by his pretty face and good hair.

Wake up people. Coupled with the fact that there’s air between his ears, he’s a narcissist. Can you say who is the fairest of them all? This is what you want as a Prime Minister?

Two people who see red when Bernie Sanders’ name comes up are the founders of Home Depot, Bernie Marcus and Ken Langone who are celebrating their 40th year in business.

Langone explained that when they started out, no bank would give them a loan, as all they had was an idea. They went on to explain that “Home Depot is probably the poster child for capitalism. When I hear Bernie Sanders talking about ‘socialize,’ this could never happen in a socialized system; never happen.”

These guys gave every person working for them stock options and never just paid minimum wage.

Bernie Sanders, AOC and all the rest of the socialists who want to take from the poor and give to rich, or tax everyone to death so that everyone can have free everything, are living in an altered world.

On Wednesday and Thursday nights of this week, the two democratic debates will take place. Why two nights? Because each night will feature 10 candidates each. The five moderators are:  Savannah Guthrie, Lester Holt, Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow and Jose Diaz-Balart.

The first night will feature Bill de Blasio, Tim Ryan, Julián Castro, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Jay Inslee, and John Delaney. Wait Blanche. Who the heck is Tulsi Gabbard? Never mind.

The second night is Marianne Williamson, John Hickenlooper, Andrew Yang, Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Michael Bennet, and Eric Swalwell. Again we ask who are Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson?

Now get this: While it only takes $5000 to put your name forth as a candidate, to run the actual campaign will run you a cool $2.4 billion. Name recognition counts which is why Biden is in the lead right now. We are thinking it will be kind of difficult for, oh say, Tulsi Gabbard to raise any money. We can tell you that she became the first Samoan American and the first Hindu member of the United States Congress. But we digress.

Biden has never done well in a debate and this one is going to be hard because there are so many people. Seems they each get a minute to answer questions. One gaff or sarcastic remark and he’s not only going to drop in the polls, it will cost him a lot of donations. All those people in Montreal and environs who religiously recycle all their glass, bottles, cans, paper etc must be apoplectic. It appears that for many, many months, nothing has been done with these things. In fact, they went to the garbage dump.

The recycling company that Montreal was using was punished over allegations of illegal waste dumping. Perish the thought. Because they had no company to pick up the waste, Montreal put out tenders for another company.

Guess what? Not one company applied. Now Blanche, don’t you find that a tad strange? Do you think, shhhhh, don’t tell anyone, that this industry, along with the construction industry and gardeners, are run by the mafia? No one applied because everyone values their life. Welcome to la Belle Province.

We crossed the new Champlain Bridge yesterday, on the first day it was open and we’re here to tell the tale. It’s much wider than the old bridge and the suspension cables are between the north and south bridges. Very cool.

But the best part? Not one pothole.

We’ll talk…

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