The princess and her missives are busy these days ‘uniting’ the province with its charter of religious values – which in plain English is a smoke-screen to deflect from the real problems here, like the economy.
Yesterday we found out that the Metropolitan is crumbling but were told we shouldn’t worry. Ya right. Like we shouldn’t have worried when water was leaking onto the street for a month and then poof – a sinkhole ate a backhoe.
How about the fact that Montreal can’t get contractors to do its work because of all the red-tape those workers have to fill out due to decades of corruption and stealing the public blind.
Today we found out that a Pointe Claire company is being asked to stop illegally storing toxic PCB-laden oil on its compound, located near a residential district on Montreal’s West Island. Where is the provincial environmental minister to speak on this matter? Not to be found. A spokesman for Montreal’s health department said there’s no risk…unless there’s a fire in which case those people better run for their lives. Or unless someone tests the soil in their backyard and finds out that the toxic chemicals have leaked.
We have a suggestion which we hope some people may actually take us up on:
Take out full page ads in the French papers – not only in Montreal but in the outlying areas where it seems the majority of people like the charter of religious values – and give statistics of unemployment, head offices that have moved, real economic numbers, predictions of what’s coming, asking what they plan to do about the billions of transfer payments we get from Ottawa which will stop, along with their federal pensions once they get what they want. Lamenting in the English media is well and good, but it’s not getting to the people who need to hear the truth.
The U.S. government’s efforts to determine which highly classified materials leaker Edward Snowden took from the NSA have been frustrated by Snowden’s ability to cover his digital trail by deleting or bypassing electronic logs. Basically, he’s outsmarting the United States Government and they just can’t catch him. How about this – instead of prosecuting him, they should hire him to secure all of their top secret information. He’s doing a way better job than they are.
A pro-Syrian government group appears to have attacked the websites for Twitter and The New York Times, security researchers said, citing digital evidence. The Syrian Electronic Army has targeted several media organizations in the past, including the Washington Post and Reuters. When the SEA hacked the Twitter account of the Associated Press this year, it posted a false headline to the account that said the White House had been attacked. The hoax caused U.S. stock markets to briefly lose $200 billion in value. Watch out – these dudes are testing the waters by shutting down massive sites at will. Could be something much bigger is coming our way.
The imminent attack on Syria is on hold until those UN observers high tail it outta there. The U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet has four warships in the eastern Mediterranean equipped with Tomahawk missiles and other weapons systems that can strike Syria, Navy officials have said. The warships are being kept a “healthy distance from the coast” as a precaution against Syria’s advanced Russian-made coastal defenses, a senior defense official said.
A few interesting tidbits to consider:
Turkey said it will ally with the US in any strike.
Most of the other Arab countries are saying that the US should not attack Syria, but not very vociferously.
The Israelis have the right attitude: “This is Israel,” said a high school teacher shopping for a hat in a Jerusalem clothing store. “There’s a crisis every couple of years, so we don’t get worked up until there’s really something to worry about.”
In case you want to help save the world, the whales, the trees and the birds, car-free day in Montreal is September 20 and this year it’s for 24 hours. It’s being held in Victoria Square downtown which has perfect access to both a metro and bus stops. If you go be sure to wear your linen environmentally friendly clothing and bring some granola to munch on.
We’ll talk…