In a memo sent by CBS News senior director of standards Mark Memmott in late August, CBS 'reporters and 'journalists' were instructed not to refer to Jerusalem as part of Israel.
Does CBS not know that Jerusalem is in Israel? Do they think that by not saying it is anything will change? And what's the point of this? Aren't they supposed to report the news, not make it?
Wait. This jerk got to look like an even bigger idiot when he acknowledged that the United States recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, but added this did not mean that CBS should accept this.
All of this follows a Sept. 30 interview with a toxic low life by the name of ta-nehisis paul coates about his new book, which features one-sided anti-Israel talking points. We watched a piece of this interview and this guy coates is an arrogant, black fool. He's one of the most disgusting people we have seen in a very long while.
This was before a tense exchange in an interview with CBS anchor Tony Dokoupil, who is Jewish, had with Coates on why he left out key facts about Israel. For doing that Dokoupil got raked over the coals in front of his peers and was forced to make a public apology.
Don't worry. All of those pieces of drek will get what's coming to them in spades. Just wait for it. It appears the top jobs are changing and those there now will get the boot.
We tried to find out some information on Memmott but he has taken down everything personal about himself from every social media site known to man. He's clearly afraid. We did find out he worked for both NPR and Vermont public radio which is very telling. Woke of woke of woke.
We hope - really hope - Trump gets elected just to silence cancers like Memmott and Coates.
Olivia Chow, the mayor of Toronto is another do-you-know-who-I-am piece of manure.
The entire world - literally - knew about October 7 and even more importantly, knew the significance the day had for the Jewish people.
Montreal had a very respectable city-wide event with about 3,000 people showing up. Toronto had about 15,000 people. We're pretty sure the mayor in Montreal was not invited, but we know for sure that Olivia Chow was. More than once.
She never showed up.
Chow’s office initially said they didn’t receive an invitation to the event, but organizers shared three emails sent to the mayor’s office, one of them directly to her executive assistant.
Councillor James Pasternak also confirmed he asked the mayor ahead of time if she planned to attend. Oops. Hoisted by her own petard.
Then she said - and this one is perfect - that she had a meeting on bike lanes to attend and she was exhausted afterward. And, she didn’t know what time the vigil started. Oh, so now she knew about it.
Three days later she said she was surprised to find she didn’t have an event on her schedule to mark the date. Oh, so now she didn't know about it.
“I just count on my staff to tell me where I’m going. And by late evening, when I finished it (the meeting on bike lanes), I thought, ‘Hmm, this is it?’
In other words, she threw her staff under the bus to cover her own rear end.
Olivia Chow got caught with her pants down. Red-handed. Holding the bag.
She's another arrogant-woke-save-the-turtles fool who cares only about her own agenda.
We sincerely hope that both she and Plante who is of the same ilk get booted out in the next election. Feh.
Again, you may not like Trump, but of late he making more and more sense.
He was speaking about those mobs of 'people' who swarm stores and take everything not nailed down which is probably everything but the front doors. Why?
Because the 'rich' owners 'owe us'. Oh Really? Here's a headline: Nobody owes you anything.
Here's what Trump said: If elected president, defunding the police or telling them to stand down will end very quickly. You swarm a store? You will be met with an army of riot police and then tossed into jail without your loot. Bravo!
And one more thing about Trump and the polls. It appears that Kamala Harris peaked for about 3 minutes when she was anointed the democratic presidential candidate. And why is that?
For starters she literally has no clothes. She's the emperor running around without anything on and more importantly, with absolutely nothing to say.
It now appears white men especially do not like her. Why? She cares more about transgender men than she does about regular old guys who just want to be men and work for a living. And they want to use the men's terlit.
That little ditty is going to be one of the many foolish things that are following her like flies to a sticky fly ribbon.
If you think for a second that 'suddenly' - tout-a-coup - India's complicated relationship with Canada surfaced exactly now is random, think again.
Justin is doing exactly what Nixon did before he was forced to leave.
Last week Justin ran to Thailand and other places as far from Canada as he could find where adoring fans would fawn all over him. Oh Justin, we love you so much. Feh.
Now he is trying to change the station here in Canada after it was revealed that well over 25 liberal caucus members signed a letter asking him to leave.
Instead of leaving he's digging in his heels. 'I'm the best person to lead the party.' Frankly, we really hope he stays. That way, a new leader won't give the loser liberals a bump in the polls.
Our guess is that Justin will prorogue parliament. And what does that mean?
The main purpose of prorogation is to wipe clean the Order Paper of old or existing business and to set a new legislative agenda. All unfinished business at the end of a session dies on the Order Paper.
It also means that Pierre Poilievre cannot question Justin on a daily basis making the liberal leader look like the dufus he is.
Watch for it. And also watch for one big head to roll after the current caucus revolt. Jim Butts who was Justin's right hand man was sacrificed the last time Justin almost got kicked out.
This time it could be Katie Telford, Justin's new right hand person and a good friend of Butts. She may be the one thrown under the bus this time but Justin is not going anywhere.
Amazon found itself in the news recently and we're pretty sure they are not happy about what happened.
Dr. Ruba Borno, a senior Vice President at Amazon Web Services wore a necklace featuring the map of "Palestine from the river to the sea" in a promotional video for a company conference. Seriously? Does this woman not have even a modicum of a brain?
Amazon is playing with fire as everyone noticed their silence regarding the abduction of its employee, Sasha Troponov, on October 7, who is being held captive by Hamas.
Clearly they know that they cannot take sides here as doing so will tick off either their arab or Jewish buyers.
Amazon took that video down - duh. Then Borno erased any information about herself on social media. It won't help. People will find her. She's another one who is going to get what's coming to her in spades starting with losing her job hopefully with no 'goodbye package'. No shortage of losers, eh Blanche?
It took us all of a minute to google the website samidoun and see that they were a terrorist organization. A nasty one at that.
It took the Canadian government weeks to figure that out. In fact, until they burned the Canadian flag last. week in Vancouver, Canadian government 'officials' could not make up their minds if this group were the bad guys.
Today they decided - would you look at that - that samidoun is in fact a terrorist organization.
Last week, Pierre Poilievre asked the government to designate samidoun as a terrorist group. He said when he becomes prime minister it would happen. In response at the time, the Liberal government said it was “considering all options.”
Considering all options. Spare us the drivel. Below is Justin's little gloat over finally doing something today:
“The listing of Samidoun as a terrorist entity under the Criminal Code sends a strong message that Canada will not tolerate this type of activity, and will do everything in its power to counter the ongoing threat to Canada’s national security and all people in Canada,” said Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc.
Tolerating this kind of activity? How can they say that with a straight face?
Justin has tolerated this kind of activity every day since October 7 and continues to do so. He's full of it. Justin was pushed against the wall when they burned the Canadian flag.
No Blanche on Thursday.
Happy Sukkos
We'll talk...